Freitag, 18. Mai 2018


Dear all,
I'd like to share with you my new piece WIKI-PIANO.NET !

“Wiki-Piano.Net” is an interactive community-based piano piece. The complete webpage of is the score of the piece. The pianist  reads and plays everything that can be found on the internet page, from top to bottom. The visitor of the internet page is able to edit and change the score of the piece at all times.
Click below to start editing the score yourself and hear/see the results in the next concert or documentation!
When the pianist schedules a performance of the piece she/he will open this website and perform the piece according to the content at that given moment. Hence each performance of the piece will reflect the current state of the piece.
See below the video of the premiere of the piece by Zubin Kanga:
The state of the website/score of the premiere (and the above video) can be found as a screenshot here.

You can also navigate through all changes and versions of the piece in the
archive section!

Here's some press coverage of the piece (mostly in German).

The next performance of the piece takes place during Klang Festival in Copenhagen on June 2nd. All changes in the website will be reflected in that concert.

Thank you for your interest,
and all the best,
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