Samstag, 3. Juli 2021

FWD - [ak-discourse] Music masterpieces against their sociopolitical background

 Our Workshop: "Music masterpieces against their sociopolitical background" will take place online 5-8 July and is a collaboration of Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, and School of Music Studies of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki - Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης.

Those who are not attending are welcome to follow the proceedings in our blog. Feel free to comment and interact. All the contributions of will be uploaded by the end of July.

Music masterpieces against their sociopolitical background

Have you ever felt you want to ot really need to be an art expert in order to form an elaborated opinion about an art piece? Do you ever feel that you could already possess some basic tools for such a creative investigation?

Do you ever wonder how music ideas were formed in different eras? What forces of society forged them? What of the class and gender of the composer? What is a masterpiece after all? Is it that important? Equip yourself with wits and curiosity and jump with us into a short journey through history to investigate how a music masterpiece is born, mediated and what meanings it acquires within different cultural and historic contexts!

Click here for the official HBS-Projects page.

  • Academic direction/concept: Kostantinos Chardas
  • Production/concept: Christos Drouzas
  • Academic contributions/design: Anna Papaeti, Danae Stefanou, Petros Vouvaris
  • Financial supervisor: Olga Kytidou

Funded by Hans Bockler Foundation

Supported by Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

and the School of Music Studies.

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