Donnerstag, 7. März 2019

Diese Woche: audiovisuelle Performance in Bonn.

Liebe Freunde und Kollegen,

ich möchte Euch/Sie herzlich zu meiner Performance SKIN am 9. Maerz in Bonn einladen (infos unten).

Ich freue mich auf Euren/Ihren Besuch!

Claudia Robles-Angel

ps:  sorry for cross-posting!  

Dear friends and colleagues,

I’m delighted to announce two events in which I’ll present my work during the week.

Claudia Robles-Angel


 Testimonio de Oidas - Production: Dulce Huet   

Celebrating women’s day this week, the legendary RADIO UNAM in Mexico city (founded in 1937!) will broadcast a full portrait of my artist’s profile and work.
Tuesday 5th and Saturday 9th March  
1 to 2 am (CST) Local Time (Mexico) 

PLEASE NOTE: in Europe’s CET time, this is broadcasted from 8 to 9 am.

RADIO UNAM -  96.1 FM  (for Mexico radio audience).

For other countries:

And one week later it will be also available as podcast:

 Podcast 66



My performance SKIN performed at the Künstlerforum Bonn. If you happen to be in Bonn or in its surroundings, I’d love to see you here!

Saturday 9th. March 2019

7 pm: SKIN by Claudia Robles-Angel

Künstlerforum Bonn
Hochstadenring 22-24
53119 Bonn

More info:
Last but not least, New Year - New Website!. You are welcome to visit my new website at:
Copyright © 2019 Claudia Robles-Angel, All rights reserved.
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